so we had to write about what if you were being annoying to your parents and all of a sudden they stopped and just said GET OUT! What would you do? so here's mine.
“Whoa, calm down”
You can walk yourself home your annoying me with your moaning”
I didn't move “haha funny dad” “I said, get the hell out of the car!!”
“I grab my phone and rip open the door FINE I WILL''and slam the door he drives off without me. I stay there for a bit he wouldn't leave me here would he? It's night time for goodness sake I start walking and start talking to myself. There could be a crazy person that tries to kidnap me. It's been 2 mins OMG he was serious so i keep walking and it's getting darker and i start hearing noise “it's probably nothing right?” i grab my phone and turn on the light not looking at the battery and walk for another 2 mins then it turns off “ don't tell me it went flat please don't tell me it went flat ITS FLAT NOOO!!!!” i'm almost home and hear another noise behind me “hello '' I hear someone say RUUUUN. So i start running my cousins house is coming up i run faster to there house it looks like no one is home i go inside “HELLO is someone anyone here” “BOOOOO'' all my family is in front of me i don't know whats going on i turn around and see my cousins coming inside “WTH is going on “it's a prank your cousins were behind you making the noise i see my dad “wait so you didn't really want to kick me out of the car” “no it was just a prank” “AWWW wow best family ever.
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